
we are all st@rz

Page history last edited by ShareRiff 14 years, 2 months ago

 course roster for ENC 1102.603, Fall 2010

"...I tell you: you have still chaos in you" - Thus Spake Zarathustra


Who Am I (Javier Beuzeville)


Javier Beuzeville (Javi)

Email: Javier.Beuzeville@gmail.com

Skype: Javier Beuzeville





skype: shareriff


Danielle Renee <3

Email: danielleheck@mail.usf.edu

skype: danielleheckusf


Ronald Glace <--link to my work

Self-given nickname: RonnyG   (Vain? Perhaps.....)

Status: USFSP Freshman, STAR, USFSP BULL 

Facebook: Look me up

Cell: Gotta ask

email: ronaldg@mail.usf.edu


Skype Me!



D Stern

David Stern

Introduction (Who are you?)

email: dstern@mail.usf.edu




John "Jay" Boda

Class work can be found here

Skype: Huh?

AIM: Is it still 1998?

eMail: boda@mail.usf.edu

cell: Ask me

Facebook:  Sure, find me


Elizabeth Ehle

Skype Me!  

E-Mail: eehle@mail.usf.edu

My WikiBlog




Jasmyne Black

E-mail: jblack4@mail.usf.edu

Skype, ooVoo, or Facebook: Look Me Up



Sheena Curd

wiki page: SHEEEEEEENA

email: sheena@mail.usf.edu

facebook: Sheena Shea Curd

Skype Me!



Amber Schlage

Wiki page: Amber:)

Email: aschlage1@mail.usf.edu

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/amber.l.schlage


Jenna Willard

Email: jwillard1@mail.usf.edu

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/profile.php?id=1079618966&ref=ts


Caleb F

Email: calebf@mail.usf.edu

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000373174121


Andrea Inman

E-mail: andrea5@mail.usf.edu
Wiki page: Andrea's Journey

facebook: ask me


This is My Page


Aida Rivera

Wiki page: Rawr

E-mail: ardemis@mail.usf.edu

Skype: ardemis7

Comments (1)

Alyssa Blumenthal said

at 1:09 am on Aug 26, 2010

Alyssa Blumenthal
E-Mail: Blumenthal@mail.usf.edu
Skype: AlyBlumenthal
Facebook: My full name

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