
The sound of the air conditioner rattles my brain


     the television as background noise,



          No way out


          No where to go


               Insomnia has me exhausted


     to do list Too long


     just want to be Unplugged


                 what’s that - Serenity


MayoClinic.com information   The muse here was not my tinnitus.  Inspiration came from wanting to be unplugged for about a week from the Internet, email, PBWorks, TV . . . relax with some good books & converstaion, the mountains or the sea (or both!) . . . my fountain pen, journal, and some Cranes (stationery).  The tinnitus is just an added annoyance.  Something I acquired years ago after a severe migraine that threw me off balance.

This has a nice ambiance to it.  I can actually feel the state of mind via the syntax and form.  This is more or less how I felt last night drinking cup after cup of coffee and still being unable to focus and get my work done.  But it got done.  Anyways.  But the caps (or random caps as one snooty net user once coined in her snooty essay to bash my writing and other people's writing) work to add to that disoriented/tired feel.  I cannot really offer any constructive criticism as this point. - Heidi

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