Journaling Our Way To Self-Actualization

October 17, 2010   final project version renamed and linked to main page 

Journaling Our Way to Self-Actualization



One might consider some of my writings, as many of the writings on this wiki, to be in the realm of journaling.  The writings may not be considered journaling as in Merriam-Webster’s definition “an account of day to day activities”, but certainly as in Merriam-Webster’s definition “a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use” . . . with the exception of “private” of course.


The process of journaling has been documented since the 10th century when the Japanese kept daily logs of their lives.  Sailors logged their ventures at sea throughout history and artists and scientists alike have kept journals, including Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Einstein.  Most people are quite familiar with the now famous journal The Diary of Anne Frank. 


Good critical thinkers continuously evaluate information, however, so I decided to do a little research on the benefits of journaling, particularly as it relates to self-actualization (Browne, Keeley 90).   As advised in The Craft of Research, I limited myself to works dated, or research citing other works dated, within the last ten years (74).  What I found in print reiterated what I found in personal experience.


In “A Simple Pen to Paper: What’s the Big Deal?”  Barbara Landis notes that journaling is a way to record one’s thoughts so that we are able to reflect on them at a later date.  She advises writers to date their entries since this enables the writer to visibly see that they have already dealt with an issue and can now move forward, or allows the writer to read previous entries and realize the progress they have actually made - progress they may not have even been aware of (515). 


In “Tapping Into the Wellspring of Wellness” Samuel Gladding states that writing is a life enhancer that enables us to gain a deeper understanding of who we are (114).  Gladding describes how he was intuitively aware that “writing had a way of transforming life,” prior to his reading the “landmark” work of James Pennebaker (116).  (Pennebaker wrote Writing to Heal, Oakland, CA: New Harbinger 2004, a book referenced in many articles, but one that I have been unable to locate within the Pinellas County library system or through USFSPs Interlibrary Loan system).  Gladding states that he found comfort in the fact that the proven benefits of writing have a strong research base (117). 


The journaling process also appears to assist writers both physically and emotionally by relieving stress.  By relieving stress, one improves their immune system which helps to fend off physical disease.  These benefits are in addition to the fact that the process of keeping, and writing, a personal journal assists individuals to better understand themselves, accomplish goals, and move their lives in a positive direction.


The pieces I read combined both academic writing and personal reflections.  This was something I didn’t expect in “academic” writing, but makes sense considering the personal nature of the subject.  In conclusion, the brief research I engaged in validated my thoughts that journaling is a useful tool in the process of self exploration and self-actualization.  A tool I plan to continue to use personally, and a process I hope to pass on in volunteer efforts to assist women who are in the process of transitioning to independent lives.




Booth, Wayne C., Colomb, Gregory G., Williams M., Joseph.  The Craft of Research.  The University of Chicago Press 2008.


Browne, N. Neil and Keeley, Stuart M.  Asking the Right Questions, A Guide to Critical Thinking.   New Jersey, Prentice Hall/Pearson Education, Inc., 2010.


Gladding, Samuel T.  Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development, Spring 2007, Volume 46, Reflections on Wellness.  “Tapping Into the Wellspring of Wellness”.  American Counseling Association 2007.


Landis BSN, RN, HNC, Barbara Forrester.   Home Health Care Management & Practice Volume 16, Number 6.“A Simple Pen to Paper: What’s the Big Deal?”  Sage Publications 2004.<>  Retrieved October 17, 2010.


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