
boda's Writing to EIECSPP Portfolio

Page history last edited by Boda 14 years, 2 months ago Saved with comment


Writing to Explore, Inform, Evaluate, Convince, Solve Problems, and Persuade



cover page

what I'm doing now


original piece

where this portfolio started


EIECSPP outline


EIECSPP first draft

untitled draft for my unit 4 project


Today Is Zero Hour

the first draft


Today is Zero Hour 2.0

revised with a more irreverent tone

need some feedback here


Today is Zero Hour 3.0

as final as it's gonna get (this semester)


Today is Zero Hour 4.0
LAST edit of this piece for the semester with late breaking details


Today is Zero Hour TV

visual interpretation of my first draft


EIECSPP research


DADT - a happening gayme

the genesis of my writing showcase project


DADT - a Happening Gayme (final product)

the completed writer's workshop and remediation



to me and from me


who's dropped by my portfolio:


    You now



Comments (2)

Ehle so fly said

at 12:02 pm on Nov 14, 2010

im soooo confused, but im excited to see where this will take us!!!!!!

Javi said

at 10:35 pm on Dec 9, 2010

Jay, Its unfortunate I haven't had a chance to look over your writings more this semester. We've been looking to put together a 5k/ run/walk for gay rights. It'd be great to talk sometime in December. Let me know if you'd be interested.

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